Important information What is a Discount for Sale property? These are properties on housing developments that are sold by the developer initially with a discount from the open market value which remains with the property through all subsequent sales. For example, a £167,000 house with a 30% discount would be offered to eligible applicants for £116,900. This is not a shared ownership scheme and even though there is a discount on the sale price, the purchaser still owns 100% of the property. When you want to sell the property, you must do so on the same terms, which means you must sell it with the same level of discount you received and to someone who meets the eligibility criteria.
Tean Valley View Who can apply for these properties? This scheme is for people whose income is not enough to enable them to buy a property to meet their needs on the open market, but enough to buy a property at a discounted price. Am I eligible to apply? Applicants for these properties must satisfy our eligibility criteria. Please follow the link below to find out more the eligibility and application processs. Find out more
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